

IvyAccess <id> (String "ip:port", String name, String READY_message)


Create and connect an Ivy (https://www.eei.cena.fr/products/ivy/) bus on which you can write (out) and read (in/any_regex...)

Predefined children

  • TextProperty: in.any_regex.xx. where any_regex is a regex and xx is the regex's arg in which you are interested. You can use https://regex101.com/ with pcre to help you to build regex
  • TextProperty: out.
  • TextProperty: arriving.
  • TextProperty: leaving.

Cookbook recipe


run :
make helloIvy_test

Example - smala style

/* launch 2 instances of this program */

use core
use base
use comms

Component root {
    /* Log Printer to receive a Message in Terminal */
    LogPrinter lp ("ivybus in: ")

    IvyAccess ivybus ("", "smala", "READY")
        // define your regexs
        String my_regex ("smala (\\S*)")

    /* creating a connector to display incomming messages in the text */
    ivybus.in.my_regex.[1] => lp.input

    Clock cl (1000)
    /* write on the bus any String or textProperty */
    AssignmentSequence test_to_write (1) {
        "smala Hello" =: ivybus.out
    /* every second we write on the bus: smala Hello */
    cl.tick -> test_to_write


Example - legacy style

/* launch 2 instances of this program */

use core
use base
use comms

Component root {
    /* ------- Log Printer to receive a Message in Terminal ---*/
    LogPrinter lp ("ivybus in: ")

    IvyAccess ivybus ("", "smala", "READY")

    /* creating a connector to display incomming messages in the text */
    Connector c1 (ivybus, "in/smala (\\S*)/1", lp, "input", 0)

    Clock cl (1000)
    /* write on the bus any String or textProperty */
    AssignmentSequence test_to_write (1) {
        "smala Hello" =: ivybus.out
    /* every second we write on the bus: smala Hello */
    cl.tick -> test_to_write